Elena Ascencio-Ibáñez is an artist, a noted translator and an entrepreneur. Her work includes psychiatrist and meditation Dharma Teacher Dr. Robert K. Hall’s collection of poems Buddha Now, Buda Ya, and his most recent collection of Dharma Talks Así Es, which features Elena’s artwork as well.   She recently received empowerment as a Dharma Teacher and travels Mexico translating and collaborating with Dr. Robert in Silent Meditation & Gestalt Retreats.  Elena lives in Todos Santos, Baja with her partner and two daughters.

A Dharma Talk preceded by a guided Vipassana meditation period.

A Dharma talk is said to be an art form.  It is woven starting from a sincere presence, using several forms of speech, all in agreement with the teachings and considering the current circumstances of the listeners. Elena is happy to share what she has discovered on her own self-inquiry journey so far, doing it through an honest account of where she is and where she has been.

Vipassana is an ancient meditation technique that begins with the observation of the breath as a method to concentrate the mind and goes on to observe the changing nature of body and mind.